

Affordable prices
for your internet security

Affordable prices
for your internet security

Affordable prices
for your internet security


No personal information

6 supported networks

Multiple Protocols

Freely gift or sell your VPN

Freedom in the Network

Anonymous payment

Freely gift or sell your VPN

Freedom in the Network

Anonymous payment

Priority Pass

Priority Pass

Get access to exclusive privileges

and with DeGuard NFT Pass

Get access to exclusive privileges
and with DeGuard NFT Pass

Get access to exclusive privileges and with DeGuard NFT Pass

Get access to exclusive privileges
and with DeGuard NFT Pass

Priority Access to Upcoming IDOs: Be among the first
to gain access to our exclusive Initial DeFi Offerings

Priority Access to Upcoming IDOs: Be among the first to gain access to our exclusive Initial DeFi Offerings

Increase in Referral System Income: Boost your earnings
by inviting friends and acquaintances to our network

Increase in Referral System Income: Boost your earnings by inviting friends and acquaintances to our network

Increase in Referral System Income: Boost your earnings by inviting friends and acquaintances to our network

Share in Protocol Revenue After DAO Launch: 10% of the
protocol revenue after the DAO launch will be distributed
among initial NFT holders

Share in Protocol Revenue After DAO Launch: 10% of the protocol revenue after the DAO launch will be distributed among initial NFT holders

Share in Protocol Revenue After DAO Launch: 10% of the protocol revenue after the DAO launch will be distributed among initial NFT holders